Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 6 - Google

Well, it's official. Google is taking over the Internet.
And it's pissing me off.

I have two google accounts. Apparently.
The first one is my Uni email account. We have no choice as to what provider gave us this email. We used to run on an older, uni-based email server back in first year, but they eventually phased that out and we all were transferred to google. And for a while, there was no problem with this at all.

But ever since Google has bought Youtube (and Blogger. and pretty much everything else that's not facebook) and decided that it ALL HAS TO BE CONNECTEDDD, it has caused me considerable irritation. Which I'm sure a number of you are probably familiar with.

Now I can't be logged into my Uni account (with the email AND MyUni website attached) and also be logged in to youtube. Which isn't *that* bad considering I don't always need to be logged in to watch stuff. But I guess I can't like or comment things anymore, cos that'll involve switching accounts.

And now apparently I can't even log into Blogger simultaneously. Which means I'm screwed if I ever forget my non-uni google password (which is likely, cos I'm terrible at remembering passwords), and defeats the purpose of trying to click the "leave me logged in" button.
And it makes no sense!!

Why can't I be logged into the account relevant to the site I'm on? Do google think they're being helpful? Cos they're doing the exact opposite. And if it weren't for my Uni email, I would happily deactivate my fucking google account cos it's so damn useless.

So fuck you Google. I hope you lose stock rating and go bankrupt in the next GFC. Then Facebook will secure it's throne as the great Internet power (that let's us simultaneously sign in with non-facebook accounts on affiliated sites) as it should be.

Also, I'm 1/4 a way through my final Animal Science Exams. Yay. Only 3 to go.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 5

These days I find my mind split a number a of ways, between my uni work, thoughts of finding a better job, sex, wonderings if I'm making the right career decisions, RPing, my friends and maintaining my friendships with each of them, sex, ways to procrastinate and tv.

While I have a list of topics I'd love to buy a bunch of reference and text books for (cos funsies), it's not enough for some topics. I sort of regret taking the uni course I have almost completed, in that there are a few other courses I would've liked better. But I don't regret all I've learned or the friends I've made (who trully are invaluable additons to my life). So now I need to find a way to study all these other things, while getting at least part-time employment (to keep my parents happy) and maintaining my growing social life.

All this really starts with is money. And getting a better job than the one I currently have. Something I shall be putting a lot of effort into in the coming months.

But before that, I still have to finish my mountain of assignments, pass my exams, and write and submit my portfolio for next year. So much to do...

And you guys will probably sit through most of my bitching about it as I write these blogs to procrastinate.

To Do List:
Journal Critique Oral and Summary
Endemic Lit Review
Domestic Animal Report
Quiz 4
Fasting Prac Report
Case Study
ReCon Oral
ReCon Final Report

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 4

Well, today was my first mid-week day off in a while.
I spent it most relaxingly: Watching season 1 of Chuck, looking for a present for one of my best friends' 21sts, attempting to shower, showering sucessfully the second time, writing various emails to people, discovering and getting hooked to a new facebook game, eating food, conversing with various people, and watching some other videos. And not doing any homework.

Homework left to do:
- Journal critique summary and Oral
- Quiz 3.
- Fasting Prac report
- Endemic Lit Review
- Domestic Animal Report
- Recon Oral
- Case Study presentation
- Recon Final Report
- Exams
- Portfolio for Flinders.

So much to do. So little time. Would help if i had my laptop cord to work on things in lecture time. Like tomorrow. Sigh.

I'm such a good student. Clearly.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 3

Jareth walked down the stoned halls of the east wing with determined concentration. He needed to tell someone, and there was only one person he trusted to help him work out what to do without blabbing it all around the castle. Someone who wasn't his footman. Job was loyal and reliable, but absolutely useless when it came to discussing anything beyond co-ordinating trousers and vests.

Deep in the maelstrom of thought, the prince didn't realise the oncoming fellow pedestrian until it was too late.

Shaken from his thoughts by the bump, he looked up to see one of the fellow knights in the queen's guard. Alaric Fitzwilliams, well known for his prowess with double duel pistols and his boisterous sense of humour, looked uncharacteristically dishevelled and alarmed.

"Alaric!" Jareth remarked, "What are you doing in the castle? Don't you have training for the new guard unit today?"

"...yes, yes I do. Thanks for reminding me, Jar. I'm dreadfully late." the blonde boy tried to push past.

"Hold on," Jareth held out a hand to stop him, "Looking like that? You're shirt's only half tucked and your hair looks like it's been shocked with one of Karlifs 'electric' experiments."

Alaric quickly tucked in his shirt, "Thank you for letting me know Jareth. I really should pay better attention to the uniform codes."

Something didn't seem quite right. "...did you walk out of my sister's bedroom?"

After freezing like a rabbit caught in headlights, Alaric ran, quickly fleeing down the hall before any more questions could be asked.

Jareth watched him, scratching the back of his head. "That was strange," the prince remarked, "oh well." He turned and resumed his task. Reaching Catherine's door, he knocked three times.

"Back so soon?" she replied through the door, her voice strangely melodic. Her face fell as she opened the door. "Oh, brother. Hi. What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

Jareth pushed his way into her room, "We need to talk."

Catherine quickly ran ahead, promptly sitting on the red guard's jacket on her dresser's stool, as if to hide it. "Jareth, I can explain!"

Jareth looked up from his musings, "Huh?"

"I know it's against 'the rules' and all that, but he's just so-"

"Catherine, what are you talking about?"

The crown-princess paused, "...what are *you* talking about?"

"I haven't even told you anything yet." he pointed out.

"....right...of course...go on then. What were you going to say?"
"There's a girl in my bed," Jareth said confidently.
"....congratulations?" Catherine still seemed confused, "She can't be your first though, can she? I thought you had already bedded half the ladies at court."

"More like two thirds. But that's not what I meant."

"What do you mean then?"

"I mean, I found her last night in the forest when I went out hunting."

"Oh right. Mother was getting worried when you didn't get back in time for dinner."

"Yeah, we went deeper than we usually go. But anyway, I found her being attacked by a boar. She was hurt so I brought her back to the castle."
"And she slept in your bed?"

"Well, I didn't want to wake up Ms Taffey and have her make up one of the spare rooms. It was well past midnight when we got back."

"How considerate of you..." Catherine replied reluctantly.

"But now I'm not sure what to do. Mother's never been fond of unexpected house guests. And I'm aware of what the whole situation may look like to an outsider."

"Like you've picked up some waif from the forest and taken her as your new mistress?"

"Exactly. And with the impending war council, I promised Father I'd keep a clean reputation, or else he won't allow me to sit in to the meeting."

" want me to cover for you and hide your whore here?"

"I haven't slept with her! And yes...or at least help me work out what to do with her. If she's some sort of forest urchin or gypsy, I'm not sure how to get in touch with her...people."

"Have you tried asking her?"

"She's not awake yet, and last night she was too delirious to say anything sensical. Just mumbled in some sort of foreign language."

"Are you sure she can even speak Nylan?"

"I'm not sure. But I figured with your knowledge of languages..."

Catherine sighed, "Well done Jareth. Nothing's ever simple with you, is it?"

"Of course not. Simple is boring."

"But much less stressful," Catherine stood up, "Come on then. Let's go meet your waif."

"You're going like that? In your underthings?"

Catherine glanced down at the thin sleeping dress she'd hastily thrown on minutes before, "...give me a few moments to dress then."

Jareth nodded, turning to walk back out the door, before pausing, "Oh, by the way, did you happen to see Alaric this morning?"
Catherine froze, "...pardon?"

"I saw him leaving here. I thought maybe you had a meeting with him or something."

"...yes...a meeting..."
"Since he's captain of your new guard unit, and all,"

Catherine breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, that's exactly what we were doing. Discussing guard matters."

"Oh, that would explain it then," Jareth shrugged acceptingly.

Catherine studied her younger brother with scrutiny, "You really don't question much, do you brother?"

He looked at her curiously, "Why? Should I be?"

The crown-princess found herself torn. Her brother's obliviousness in scandalous matters put her in an interesting position. He wasn't accusing her of anything, in fact, he didn't seem aware that anything suspicious was happening at all. If she so chose, he would simply walk out of there, and her secret could be safe. But the burden of keeping such a huge secret all to herself was becoming too much. She needed to confide in someone, or else she felt she would explode, most likely publicly, in front of the whole court and foreign ambassadors who would go back with the impression that the royal house of Nyla was of questionable sanity as well as morals.

"Jareth, about Alaric..."

"Yes, Alaric. I still don't see why he gets to be in your personal guard, but I don't."

"He's in my personal guard because I chose him."

"But why? What’s he got that I haven't? We all know I'm the best swordsman in the-"
"Jareth will you just listen for once in your life?!"


"I chose Alaric because...well...-"
"What? Is it because he looks better in the red jackets than me?"

Catherine sighed, "No. it's because we're...courting. Of sorts."
"Well obviously not officially..."
"So Mother doesn't know?"
"Of course not! She'd flip if she knew I was taking someone like him!"
"Because he's the son of butcher?"

"He's the illegitimate son of Lord Byron Wilmont and a flower merchant."

"Oh right. Well, still. I suppose mother wouldn't be happy with that."
"Of course she wouldn't. She's been trying to set me up with Lord Astley's son for months. I know Alaric isn't exactly what she'd have in mind," Catherine gushed, relieved she finally had someone to express all this to, "Father only let him join the Guard because he proved himself at that open tournament five years ago."

"Oh yeah, i remember that. He beat men twice his age."

The princess smiled, "He's so talented."

It was all starting to fall into place for Jareth, "So wait a minute, when he was leaving here this morning, was that because he was- because you-"

"Yes, he made his way up here late last night. At my request. And he shared my bed."

Jareth could hardly believe all these new revelations about his eldest sister, "So you bed him?"


"...but you're not supposed-"
"I know. Tradition says I'm supposed to wait for my wedding night, to ensure the paternity of the heir, but Mother and Father aren't stepping down any time soon, and I'm not going to be queen for years, and...Alaric was just so..." she glanced at her brother ashamedly, "I had a moment of weakness, brother. I couldn't resist."

Jareth ran a hand through his hair, leaning back to think, "Well, it's not so bad. One indiscretion is hardly that scandalous. There are ways we have of fooling your future husband into thinking you're a maid. Getting him blind drunk for starters-"
"There's been more than one 'indiscretion' Jareth, and that's not the point!"

"I don't think I *want* to marry anyone else. My heart lies with Alaric."

"...After one night?"
"Don’t be foolish. We've been secretly courting for months now."

"...really? Months?"

Catherine nodded.
"How did I not realise this?"
"You don't realise many things, Jareth."

"...still. You really want to marry Alaric?"

Catherine nodded, "I can't imagine ruling with anyone else."

"But he's not of pure blood. Mother would never allow it." he reminded her.

Catherine sighed, "I know."
"And you're the crown-princess. You have to marry someone she approves of."
"I know."
"So...what are you doing to do?"
"I don't know..."
"...couldn't you just marry Lord Byron's son and keep Alaric as a mistress...or the male equivalent of a mistress? It's not that unheard of. And seeing as you've kept it secret all this time-"

"I don't want to live a lie, Jareth."
"I don't see what else you can do. You're going to be queen one day, Catherine. You can't afford to marry for love. You've got to marry who's best for the kingdom."

She sighed heavily, "I know...I hate this."

Jareth pat her hand sympathetically, "I know...just another reason why I'm glad you're set to rule and not me."

Catherine glared, "Thanks."

Jareth smiled unshakably, "Don't worry, it'll work out in the end."
"Right, sure it will," she replied sceptically, "and in the mean time?"

Jareth shrugged, "I suppose you could just continue sneaking around with Alaric. If it makes you happy."

Catherine smiled, "Is that what all those diplomat lessons have taught you, brother?"

"Nope," Jareth replied, "But you happiness means more to me than diplomacy."

Catherine lent over and hugged her brother, "Thanks Jareth."

"I promise to keep your secret."

"You really are the best."

"Just be careful, ok? If this gets out, it could be disastrous."

Catherine nodded, "I know. It won't."

Jareth pulled away, "Ok, now that we've sorted that, time for you to help me with my problem."

Catherine smiled, pulling an outer garment over her under-dress, "Lead me to the forest girl."

Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 2

Australia: the land of gold and silver trees.

I kid you not, there is actually a species of Eucalyptus that is silver and gold. I have pictures.
Where else in the world would you find that? Exactly.
We don't often appreciate our country. And it took me a forced Uni assignment to do so. But worth it. Shame we didn't see much wildlife, aside from the occasional bird or that cluster of spitfire caterpillars. Freaky little things.

Certain discussions with people can be rather frustrating. Especially when various elements about a person make you hate them inexplicably. But there's not much that can be done. Aside from enduring with doing as little damage as possible and hoping things will improve in a few months time.

And this is a fair crap blog entry. Better one tomorrow hopefully.

A To Do list, to keep me accountable for my homework tasks:
- Input tree survery data
- ReCon extended Methods for Prelim report (done by wednesday the 31st)
- Catch up on ReCon Lectures. Being 3 weeks behind is not a good thing.
- Attempt to start Feedlot report (or at least organise subheadings...yeah, progress)
- Buy father present for Father's Day
- Go to the Monarto Field Work day 1 and contribute (else the group will consider me dead weight and hate me)
- Attend Bec's house warming, and get thoroughly sloshed.
- Go to work and retain my employment with the ever present thought of staying on just 3 more months until I get my 5-year pin.
- Do Grocery shopping.
- If time, start the Ethics approval application form

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 1

Sooo....I've started a blog.

What am I going to do with this blog? Well, write about things, I suppose. I'll probably use it mostly as like a personal journal. I don't expect anyone to read it. But in case anyone does, I'll try to make it somewhat entertaining as well.

Yesterday was quite an adventure. Well not so much. But it was an adventure in the sense that there was suspense, much running after things, and panicky phone calls.
After spending far too long chatting to my neighbour/room mate/new best friend, I found myself running potentially quite late for the only uni event I had all day, a field trip, leaving from the city campus.
I made a mad dash to my car, probably sped a bit driving to the train station, and another mad dash across the train station car park, wherein I *just* made it on my train.
The train ride itself was full of nervous sitting, frantically calling around to get phone numbers of emergency contacts, and awkwardly avoiding the man who had chosen to sit across from me.

Which brings me to one of the things I hate most about catching the train: annoying, unwashed and potentially threatening bogan men, who seem to think I enjoy their moronic banter.
My run in with a particularly bad example a few weeks prior inspired a short story, which I'll probably get around to typing up and posting somewhere.
This man was notably more intimidating than the fat, loud 20 something loser. This man had tattoos.
Notably cool tattoos. Of dragons. I like dragons.
But on this man, it made him seem rather uncouth, and just added to his whole...unsavoury demeanor. Especially highlighted in the way he remarked to his friend "yep, gotta settle down and find a chick...this one's kinda cute," which while I was fiercely staring out the window to avoid eye contact with him, I could tell he was looking at me.

And while I suppose it was somewhat flattering, this incredibly unappealing man in his late 20s - early 30s, who kept telling me to smile (in that creepy, sleezy, 'if we were alone on this train, I would totally rape you' kinda way) epitomises a continuing problem with people who hit on me: They are *always* at least 25+. Or at least look 25+. Which is even worse.
And they're always people I would never in my right mind consider dating. Why? Well, for one, I'm somewhat shallow and these random strangers tend to be quite ugly. And secondly, they always seem to be rather stupid or bogany. Or farmers.

What I wouldn't give for a young (or at least, age appropriate), hot, intelligent and artistic type guy to hit on me for once. Sure, anyone who fits all those categories is also most likely to be gay, but I'm sure there's a straight guy out there who fits the bill. One who is clean, well maintained, and has a hair style which is more than just "short" or "long". (and any guy with a mullet should be shot).

It occurs to me that my pickiness is probably why my list of past exploits is notably short...but I don't see why I should settle for mediocrity just to get some action. I'm not *that* ugly, I'm fairly sure.

But anyway, the train.
Once arriving into the city, more running ensued, where I arrived in time to be taken to the field trip that laughably turned out to be about 5 minutes from my house, and right at the back of my old High School. If it weren't for having Uni today, I would've gone home. I could've walked from the conservation park to my beloved house, in about half the time it took to get back to my residence at Uni via bus and train. It was all rather cruel.

The rest of the day involved a group meeting for a major assignment, arriving back to my residence in the dark, and more socialising with some of my favourite people.
One of my neighbour roommates is attempting to self-learn the guitar, without any previous experience in reading music or knowing the most basic music theory. So, after dredging up the knowledge I hadn't touched for about 4 years, and proudly imparting upon her some of the few things I could remember about scales and music notes, we settled on using TABs for easy learning.

It is these impromptu conversations that I shall miss most after this year, when I finish this degree and move back home. I'll definitely have to make a real effort to keep in touch with my new friends. They mean a fair bit to me. And it highlights probably the biggest social advantage of study, whether it be in high school or university; the convenience of spending nearly every day of the week with someone without having to go to all the effort of planning a social event.
The only way I'll have the chance to continue this sort of arrangement with these people were if I were to work with them (unlikely considering I'm looking to move into a new field) or if we were to be roommates in a share house or something. An idea I'm quite fond of. But then it's just a matter of finding a better job with which to pay rent on something like that, and also to convince people to move in with me....also there is the risk that being surrounded by these people day in and day out could ruin the friendship, but if the holidays we go on together are any test of that, I think it might be ok.

Anyway, enough mushy thoughts and feelings for now.
A To Do list, to keep me accountable for my homework tasks:
- Exotic Disease Lit Review (85-90% completed. Must finish tonight)
- ReCon Oral dot points of Methods section (Done by Sunday)
- ReCon extended Methods for Prelim report (done by wednesday the 31st)
- Catch up on ReCon Lectures. Being 3 weeks behind is not a good thing.
- Attempt to start Feedlot report (or at least organise subheadings...yeah, progress)
- Buy father present for Father's Day
- Go to the Monarto Field Work day 1 and contribute (else the group will consider me dead weight and hate me)
- Attend Bec's house warming, and get thoroughly sloshed.
- Go to work and retain my employment with the ever present thought of staying on just 3 more months until I get my 5-year pin.
- Do Grocery shopping.
- If time, start the Ethics approval application form

And now, to re-focus on the lecture that I'm currently sitting in. Or, more realistically, use the boring lecture time to work on my lit review. And refrain from playing the sims facebook game...again.

Signing out...