Well, it's official. Google is taking over the Internet.
And it's pissing me off.
I have two google accounts. Apparently.
The first one is my Uni email account. We have no choice as to what provider gave us this email. We used to run on an older, uni-based email server back in first year, but they eventually phased that out and we all were transferred to google. And for a while, there was no problem with this at all.
But ever since Google has bought Youtube (and Blogger. and pretty much everything else that's not facebook) and decided that it ALL HAS TO BE CONNECTEDDD, it has caused me considerable irritation. Which I'm sure a number of you are probably familiar with.
Now I can't be logged into my Uni account (with the email AND MyUni website attached) and also be logged in to youtube. Which isn't *that* bad considering I don't always need to be logged in to watch stuff. But I guess I can't like or comment things anymore, cos that'll involve switching accounts.
And now apparently I can't even log into Blogger simultaneously. Which means I'm screwed if I ever forget my non-uni google password (which is likely, cos I'm terrible at remembering passwords), and defeats the purpose of trying to click the "leave me logged in" button.
And it makes no sense!!
Why can't I be logged into the account relevant to the site I'm on? Do google think they're being helpful? Cos they're doing the exact opposite. And if it weren't for my Uni email, I would happily deactivate my fucking google account cos it's so damn useless.
So fuck you Google. I hope you lose stock rating and go bankrupt in the next GFC. Then Facebook will secure it's throne as the great Internet power (that let's us simultaneously sign in with non-facebook accounts on affiliated sites) as it should be.
Also, I'm 1/4 a way through my final Animal Science Exams. Yay. Only 3 to go.