Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 2

Australia: the land of gold and silver trees.

I kid you not, there is actually a species of Eucalyptus that is silver and gold. I have pictures.
Where else in the world would you find that? Exactly.
We don't often appreciate our country. And it took me a forced Uni assignment to do so. But worth it. Shame we didn't see much wildlife, aside from the occasional bird or that cluster of spitfire caterpillars. Freaky little things.

Certain discussions with people can be rather frustrating. Especially when various elements about a person make you hate them inexplicably. But there's not much that can be done. Aside from enduring with doing as little damage as possible and hoping things will improve in a few months time.

And this is a fair crap blog entry. Better one tomorrow hopefully.

A To Do list, to keep me accountable for my homework tasks:
- Input tree survery data
- ReCon extended Methods for Prelim report (done by wednesday the 31st)
- Catch up on ReCon Lectures. Being 3 weeks behind is not a good thing.
- Attempt to start Feedlot report (or at least organise subheadings...yeah, progress)
- Buy father present for Father's Day
- Go to the Monarto Field Work day 1 and contribute (else the group will consider me dead weight and hate me)
- Attend Bec's house warming, and get thoroughly sloshed.
- Go to work and retain my employment with the ever present thought of staying on just 3 more months until I get my 5-year pin.
- Do Grocery shopping.
- If time, start the Ethics approval application form

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 1

Sooo....I've started a blog.

What am I going to do with this blog? Well, write about things, I suppose. I'll probably use it mostly as like a personal journal. I don't expect anyone to read it. But in case anyone does, I'll try to make it somewhat entertaining as well.

Yesterday was quite an adventure. Well not so much. But it was an adventure in the sense that there was suspense, much running after things, and panicky phone calls.
After spending far too long chatting to my neighbour/room mate/new best friend, I found myself running potentially quite late for the only uni event I had all day, a field trip, leaving from the city campus.
I made a mad dash to my car, probably sped a bit driving to the train station, and another mad dash across the train station car park, wherein I *just* made it on my train.
The train ride itself was full of nervous sitting, frantically calling around to get phone numbers of emergency contacts, and awkwardly avoiding the man who had chosen to sit across from me.

Which brings me to one of the things I hate most about catching the train: annoying, unwashed and potentially threatening bogan men, who seem to think I enjoy their moronic banter.
My run in with a particularly bad example a few weeks prior inspired a short story, which I'll probably get around to typing up and posting somewhere.
This man was notably more intimidating than the fat, loud 20 something loser. This man had tattoos.
Notably cool tattoos. Of dragons. I like dragons.
But on this man, it made him seem rather uncouth, and just added to his whole...unsavoury demeanor. Especially highlighted in the way he remarked to his friend "yep, gotta settle down and find a chick...this one's kinda cute," which while I was fiercely staring out the window to avoid eye contact with him, I could tell he was looking at me.

And while I suppose it was somewhat flattering, this incredibly unappealing man in his late 20s - early 30s, who kept telling me to smile (in that creepy, sleezy, 'if we were alone on this train, I would totally rape you' kinda way) epitomises a continuing problem with people who hit on me: They are *always* at least 25+. Or at least look 25+. Which is even worse.
And they're always people I would never in my right mind consider dating. Why? Well, for one, I'm somewhat shallow and these random strangers tend to be quite ugly. And secondly, they always seem to be rather stupid or bogany. Or farmers.

What I wouldn't give for a young (or at least, age appropriate), hot, intelligent and artistic type guy to hit on me for once. Sure, anyone who fits all those categories is also most likely to be gay, but I'm sure there's a straight guy out there who fits the bill. One who is clean, well maintained, and has a hair style which is more than just "short" or "long". (and any guy with a mullet should be shot).

It occurs to me that my pickiness is probably why my list of past exploits is notably short...but I don't see why I should settle for mediocrity just to get some action. I'm not *that* ugly, I'm fairly sure.

But anyway, the train.
Once arriving into the city, more running ensued, where I arrived in time to be taken to the field trip that laughably turned out to be about 5 minutes from my house, and right at the back of my old High School. If it weren't for having Uni today, I would've gone home. I could've walked from the conservation park to my beloved house, in about half the time it took to get back to my residence at Uni via bus and train. It was all rather cruel.

The rest of the day involved a group meeting for a major assignment, arriving back to my residence in the dark, and more socialising with some of my favourite people.
One of my neighbour roommates is attempting to self-learn the guitar, without any previous experience in reading music or knowing the most basic music theory. So, after dredging up the knowledge I hadn't touched for about 4 years, and proudly imparting upon her some of the few things I could remember about scales and music notes, we settled on using TABs for easy learning.

It is these impromptu conversations that I shall miss most after this year, when I finish this degree and move back home. I'll definitely have to make a real effort to keep in touch with my new friends. They mean a fair bit to me. And it highlights probably the biggest social advantage of study, whether it be in high school or university; the convenience of spending nearly every day of the week with someone without having to go to all the effort of planning a social event.
The only way I'll have the chance to continue this sort of arrangement with these people were if I were to work with them (unlikely considering I'm looking to move into a new field) or if we were to be roommates in a share house or something. An idea I'm quite fond of. But then it's just a matter of finding a better job with which to pay rent on something like that, and also to convince people to move in with me....also there is the risk that being surrounded by these people day in and day out could ruin the friendship, but if the holidays we go on together are any test of that, I think it might be ok.

Anyway, enough mushy thoughts and feelings for now.
A To Do list, to keep me accountable for my homework tasks:
- Exotic Disease Lit Review (85-90% completed. Must finish tonight)
- ReCon Oral dot points of Methods section (Done by Sunday)
- ReCon extended Methods for Prelim report (done by wednesday the 31st)
- Catch up on ReCon Lectures. Being 3 weeks behind is not a good thing.
- Attempt to start Feedlot report (or at least organise subheadings...yeah, progress)
- Buy father present for Father's Day
- Go to the Monarto Field Work day 1 and contribute (else the group will consider me dead weight and hate me)
- Attend Bec's house warming, and get thoroughly sloshed.
- Go to work and retain my employment with the ever present thought of staying on just 3 more months until I get my 5-year pin.
- Do Grocery shopping.
- If time, start the Ethics approval application form

And now, to re-focus on the lecture that I'm currently sitting in. Or, more realistically, use the boring lecture time to work on my lit review. And refrain from playing the sims facebook game...again.

Signing out...