Monday, September 23, 2013

Gardening is a kind of magic...

I've recently rediscovered the magic of growing things. And it really is a kind of magic. You get these tiny seeds and you put them in the dirt, water them daily and amazingly, tiny green sprouts appear! And not only that, they grow into bigger plants! Some even become trees!

To me it's far more astounding than the "miracle of life" that people consider human births to be. I've studied the science. Animal life isn't that mysterious. Plants, however, that's what I would call the miracle.

I used to grow things as a kid in our backyard. I can remember managing to grow baby carrots successfully, and parsley. And about eight years ago or so, I had some amazing sunflowers that grew to over 5" tall. We tried saving the seeds to grow more when they died, but nothing came of it.

But this time, after buying some supermarket seed packets on a whim, I've gotten excited about gardening again, and they're actually not dying (the key is to remember to water them).

So starting off with some cherry tomatoes, basil and chives, I planted the seeds in some seedling trays. Since then I've lost the first batch of basil but planted the tomatoes in the ground and moved the chives to a spare parch in the tressle pot with the parsley (my mums efforts). I've also added a pumpkin seedling (one of four i bought, the only survivor), and some strawberries donated by my brothers girlfriend. Now I've also started drying out some more pumpkin seeds from a store pumpkin, with plans to plant some garlic and mint. Fingers crossed it all works out.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Flash Fiction announcement

In the spirit of improving my writing, I've decided to turn this into a flash fiction blog. The aim is to write approx. 100 words every day, either as self-contained piece or an random except, on top of my other writing projects, and over time the quality of my writing will greatly improve. Hopefully. I've got some people I need to be better than, haha.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Books I've Read 2012

Completed Books:
Shadow Magic
City of Bones
The Great Gatsby
Jane Eyre
I shall wear Midnight

In progress:
Dragon Soul

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Red Teapot

I have one. It's awesome. I'm a tea drinker now. I still have my coffee addiction, but tea is a good replacement at night.

I still don't feel the affects of caffine as other people seem to describe, due to my apparent high tolerance level for, well, all drugs (painkillers included, unfortunately). but it's ok. I'm in it for the taste anyway.

I've almost finished the brunt of my  tedious workload for my internet job. Soon I should be moving on (liks being promoted but without the title change or pay rise) to more fun content-writing. Like opinion pieces. Yay. It's far more fun than rehashing someone-elses words anyway. Although in order to still have work, I may find myself offering to do this type of re-wording again for a different institution. Sigh. I wish I could work my way up the writing food-chain faster.

This year marks the start of a busy year for me. As well as my two jobs, I shall be studying 5 subjects this semester. One of these is a non-award program I'm doing for fun and the potential future job connections. The rest is a part of my new degree: A Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing). My arsehole friend tries to pay me out for being an art student now, but considering I already have a completed Bachelor of Science under my belt, and he's stuck on some shitty island working on a sheep farm, he can suck it. I get to have fun while he gets so...fuck sheep? Probably. He's crazy like that.

Going to Sydney this weekend for the Harry Potter Exhibition. Also the Picasso Exhibit and some other stuff. Should be fun, hopefully.

I still haven't decided on what to use this blog for. Oh well.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 6 - Google

Well, it's official. Google is taking over the Internet.
And it's pissing me off.

I have two google accounts. Apparently.
The first one is my Uni email account. We have no choice as to what provider gave us this email. We used to run on an older, uni-based email server back in first year, but they eventually phased that out and we all were transferred to google. And for a while, there was no problem with this at all.

But ever since Google has bought Youtube (and Blogger. and pretty much everything else that's not facebook) and decided that it ALL HAS TO BE CONNECTEDDD, it has caused me considerable irritation. Which I'm sure a number of you are probably familiar with.

Now I can't be logged into my Uni account (with the email AND MyUni website attached) and also be logged in to youtube. Which isn't *that* bad considering I don't always need to be logged in to watch stuff. But I guess I can't like or comment things anymore, cos that'll involve switching accounts.

And now apparently I can't even log into Blogger simultaneously. Which means I'm screwed if I ever forget my non-uni google password (which is likely, cos I'm terrible at remembering passwords), and defeats the purpose of trying to click the "leave me logged in" button.
And it makes no sense!!

Why can't I be logged into the account relevant to the site I'm on? Do google think they're being helpful? Cos they're doing the exact opposite. And if it weren't for my Uni email, I would happily deactivate my fucking google account cos it's so damn useless.

So fuck you Google. I hope you lose stock rating and go bankrupt in the next GFC. Then Facebook will secure it's throne as the great Internet power (that let's us simultaneously sign in with non-facebook accounts on affiliated sites) as it should be.

Also, I'm 1/4 a way through my final Animal Science Exams. Yay. Only 3 to go.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 5

These days I find my mind split a number a of ways, between my uni work, thoughts of finding a better job, sex, wonderings if I'm making the right career decisions, RPing, my friends and maintaining my friendships with each of them, sex, ways to procrastinate and tv.

While I have a list of topics I'd love to buy a bunch of reference and text books for (cos funsies), it's not enough for some topics. I sort of regret taking the uni course I have almost completed, in that there are a few other courses I would've liked better. But I don't regret all I've learned or the friends I've made (who trully are invaluable additons to my life). So now I need to find a way to study all these other things, while getting at least part-time employment (to keep my parents happy) and maintaining my growing social life.

All this really starts with is money. And getting a better job than the one I currently have. Something I shall be putting a lot of effort into in the coming months.

But before that, I still have to finish my mountain of assignments, pass my exams, and write and submit my portfolio for next year. So much to do...

And you guys will probably sit through most of my bitching about it as I write these blogs to procrastinate.

To Do List:
Journal Critique Oral and Summary
Endemic Lit Review
Domestic Animal Report
Quiz 4
Fasting Prac Report
Case Study
ReCon Oral
ReCon Final Report

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 4

Well, today was my first mid-week day off in a while.
I spent it most relaxingly: Watching season 1 of Chuck, looking for a present for one of my best friends' 21sts, attempting to shower, showering sucessfully the second time, writing various emails to people, discovering and getting hooked to a new facebook game, eating food, conversing with various people, and watching some other videos. And not doing any homework.

Homework left to do:
- Journal critique summary and Oral
- Quiz 3.
- Fasting Prac report
- Endemic Lit Review
- Domestic Animal Report
- Recon Oral
- Case Study presentation
- Recon Final Report
- Exams
- Portfolio for Flinders.

So much to do. So little time. Would help if i had my laptop cord to work on things in lecture time. Like tomorrow. Sigh.

I'm such a good student. Clearly.